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Grief and Loss Specialist

Are you experiencing challenges around grief and loss or bereavement? At the Midwest Center for Transformational Change in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Anne Lindyberg, MS, LMHC, LCPC (IL) provides compassionate support and helpful strategies to help you on the grief path that leads to your future. Call the office or click on the online scheduling link to book your free 20-minute consultation now. Telehealth appointments are available.

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Grief and Loss Q&A

What are grief and loss?

Grief involves experiencing loss of the old reality so that we may enter fully into creation of our new reality. It is the path we walk from one reality to the next. 

Pain, sorrow, and many other challenging feelings are common when a person is grieving. Loss may involve bereavement, or it may be loss of an important aspect of your reality, such as a relationship, pet, job--anything that was important to you. 

Sometimes bereavement, grief, and loss are intertwined with very upsetting events. This is referred to as traumatic bereavement or traumatic grief.

When do I need help for feelings of grief and loss?

Quite simply: when you believe you do.  Everyone experiences grief in their own way and time. Grief is a normal response to loss, and it's important to understand that it's not something to ignore or suppress.

If you are finding that your grief journey is overwhelming, it can be very helpful to seek support. Occasionally some people experience grief in a way that's unhealthy or concerning. Signs that you need help with the grieving process include:

  • Persistent depression or anxiety
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide 
  • Inability to feed or clothe yourself normally
  • Inability to look after your children, pets, or others who depend on you
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms, like excessive drinking or illicit drug use
  • Feelings of grief that seem to cycle and get worse
  • Feelings of hopelessness

You're the only one who can decide when it's time to seek help with grief and loss. If your feelings are overwhelming, disruptive, or the cause of major, unplanned changes in your life, you might find it helpful to discuss your situation and needs with Anne at the Midwest Center for Transformational Change.

What is the best way to deal with grief and loss?

Everyone has different needs when it comes to treatment of grief and loss. At the Midwest Center for Transformational Change, Anne uses robust, evidence-based models that are highly effective and adaptable for individual circumstances.

Anne’s approach combines the Satir Model, Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR®) therapy. These methods support you in resolving your grief, allowing you to take control over the relationship you want to have with your memories.

If you’re struggling with grief and loss, the Midwest Center for Transformational Change can be of support.Click on the provided link to learn about grief therapy now.

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