What is trauma?
Trauma is a response to a life-threatening or otherwise overwhelming occurrence. Traumatic events may happen once or multiple times. Examples of traumatic events include:
- Hurricanes
- Floods
- Fires
- Tornadoes
- Sexual assault
- Sexual abuse
- War
- Terrorist events
- Physical assault
- Witnessing an assault
- Sudden death of a loved one
- Learning a loved one has experienced trauma
- Attachment trauma: disruption in feelings of safety occurring in childhood (CPTSD)
Regardless of how and when you experienced trauma, if you are having troubling symptoms, it is important to get treatment.
Left untreated, Acute Trauma Response symptoms that appear the first month after a trauma occurs and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is diagnosed at least one month after a traumatic event, can worsen and lead to other mental health diagnoses, such as Major Depressive Disorder and phobias.
In this way, untreated trauma can ultimately even become life threatening.
The good news is that acute and chronic trauma reactions are very responsive to Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (Satir Model), Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), and EMDR. Complete remission is possible.
What symptoms can trauma cause?
Trauma responses vary from one person to another, but common symptoms include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fear
- Excessive or inappropriate guilt and self-blame
- Withdrawing from family and friends
- Feelings of detachment from things or people around you
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Tight muscles and body aches
- Bad dreams or nightmares
- Fatigue
- Panic attacks
- Being easily startled
- Inability to concentrate
- Feeling always on edge
- Racing or pounding heart
Trauma can cause immediate and delayed responses. Many people are in shock or a state of denial immediately after the traumatic event, and then later experience issues like those above. Without appropriate treatment, symptoms do not tend to improve on their own.
When should I seek help for trauma?
If you have experienced trauma, are having even a few of the symptoms listed above, and are wondering if you need some help, that is perhaps the best reason to look into it.
Sometimes people don’t understand that these kinds of therapies can produce permanent brain-and-body-based change and complete remission of PTSD or trauma symptoms. They really can!
If your symptoms become overwhelming, you may experience relationship conflict, career problems, or other serious disruptions in your life. As mentioned, when trauma is the cause, these symptoms don’t tend to heal on their own.
If you're not sure whether trauma is impacting your life in a challenging way, you can explore the topic during a consultation with Anne at the Midwest Center for Transformational Change PLC.
How is trauma treated?
The treatment of trauma depends on your individual situation and circumstances.
At the Midwest Center for Transformational Change PLC, Anne uses robust, evidence based approaches to support your healing — Satir Model (Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy), Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR®) therapy.
Your treatment is personalized to your specific needs and circumstances and follows the pace that is best for you. You are kept informed of the methods being implemented every step of the way, and you have options that you can choose from, to maximize your comfort with the process. Every effort is made to attend to your safety, comfort, and individual needs.
At the Midwest Center for Transformational Change PLC, Anne welcomes those who have suffered trauma and is committed to supporting clients in creating lasting, positive changes. To learn more about trauma therapy, call the office or click on the scheduling link now.